Kauppilan Autohajottamo Oy





The line of business of Kauppilan Autohajottamo Oy consists of the sale of used lorries and trailers and of the spare parts taken from them. In addition, the company sells used earth-movers.

The business is located at Ilvesjoki in Jalasjärvi (Finland). It currently employs 10 professionals in the vehicle field. Jukka and Jari Kauppila are carrying on the company that was established by their parents in 1953. Around 300 lorries, trailers and machines are purchased every year; half of them are sold, and the other half is disassembled and sold as spare parts. Around 30% of sales are for export. The market area of the company is practically global.

Up to 95% of the disassembled lorries are recycled.

Recycling works excellently at Kauppilan Autohajottamo Oy; up to 95% of the disassembled lorries are recycled. Toxic waste and recyclable metals are dealt with by specialised treatment plants. The lorries are disassembled in a modern disassembling hall where all liquids are removed from the vehicles with suction equipment. The vehicles to be sold are taken to wait for their new users through a cleaning and fixing line. It is one of the main aims of the company to keep the activity as ecological and environmentally friendly as possible.

Green energy.

The family company is strongly committed to doing its part in influencing climate change positively. The company has produced hydroelectric power since 1992.

The company is leading the way in the vehicle recycling field, running entirely on self-produced, renewable energy.


Vapaa sanahaku

Kaikki tuotteet

Hae kaikista







